actionscript 3 - Why is this method causing Flash to crash without even being called? -

i have class called oesdatepicker, name suggests it's date picker.

there's method in class returns sprite containing week day names:

private function drawweekdays():sprite     {         var temp:sprite = new sprite();         var wds:array = new array();         var format:textformat = new textformat();         format.font = "tahoma";         format.align =;         format.size = 11;         format.color = 0xffffff;          trace("here");         /*for( var i:int = 0; < 7; i++ )         {             trace(i);             wds[i] = new tlftextfield();             /*wds[i].width = cell_size;             wds[i].defaulttextformat = format;             if( "en" == lang )             {                 wds[i].text = day_names_en[i];             }             else             {                 wds[i].text = day_names_fa[i];             }             //wds[i].y = 0;*/             //wds[i].x = margin + * cell_size;             //wds[i].text = "kkk";             //temp.addchild(wds[i]);         //}          return temp;     } 

as can see have commented out loop. if don't flash crash upon running movie. thing not event trace("here") directive gets executed. , weird thing have never called method. if remove loop comments, flash crash without printing in output. ideas????

edit: following code has same problem too:

private function drawweekdays():sprite     {         var temp:sprite = new sprite();         var wds:array = new array();         var format:textformat = new textformat();         format.font = "tahoma";         format.align =;         format.size = 11;         format.color = 0xffffff;          trace("here");         //for( var i:int = 0; < 7; i++ )         //{             //trace(i);             wds[0] = new tlftextfield();             wds[0].width = cell_size;             wds[0].defaulttextformat = format;             if( "en" == lang )             {                 wds[0].text = day_names_en[0];             }             else             {                 wds[0].text = day_names_fa[0];             }             wds[0].y = 0;             wds[0].x = margin + 0 * cell_size;              temp.addchild(wds[0]);         //}          return temp;     } 

what heck man!!! using class property in project properties use class. moved class place import it, , problems faded away!

thanks sunil


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