i'm creating image preloader. works fine in browsers except firefox (testing firefox 10.0). input array of images called image_list . these images appended dynamically body of document , load callback attached, calls function update_progress . code follows: $(image_list).each(function() { var x = $('<img />') .load(function() {update_progress(percent_loaded += step);}) .attr('src', this) .appendto('body') .css('display', 'none'); .each(function() { if(this.complete) update_progress(percent_loaded += step); }); }); in firefox, load callback , update_progress never called. yet exact same code works fine in chrome , other browsers i've tested. there way detect when image has loaded in firefox? i first check see whether image has height, checking height property. if (the_image.height > 0) { // image loaded (possibly cached) } if have cached ...
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