object 'Cdqrls' not found when building R packages using devtools -

i got error title shows

error: object 'cdqrls' not found 

i use devtools building r packages, , 1 function in current package, used

.call(cdqrls, x[, id1, drop=false] * w,  w * z, epsilon) 

and includes lm.c file in src folder, includes:

... sexp cdqrls(sexp x, sexp y, sexp tol) {     sexp ans, ansnames;     sexp qr, coefficients, residuals, effects, pivot, qraux;     int n, ny = 0, p, rank, nprotect = 4, pivoted = 0;     double rtol = asreal(tol), *work; ... 

directly copied r source files. when used load_all() in devtools, compiles shared objects in src/ (i checked works well) new files: lm.o , mypkgname.so. however, wiki of devtools, found that

load_all ignores package namespace 

if working properly, think running functions, able update namespace file contain usedynlib(mypkgname, cdqrls). correct? think in way error may disappear... suggestions appreciated!


according @mnel , this post, seems using @usedynlib should work. however, function used .call() not documented, , there several functions used .call not wanna document them they're not used end-users. thus, shall put @usedynlib?

the answer use @usedynlib pkgname routine1 routine2 using roxygen2, once running document() function in devtools namespace file contain usedynlib(pkgname,routine1,routine2), work perfectly.


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