parsing - ANTLR won't parse this easy input for simple calculator grammar -

grammar testcsharpparser;   options {   language=csharp3; }  @parser::namespace { demo.antlr } @lexer::namespace { demo.antlr }  parse returns [double value]   :  exp eof {$value = $exp.value;}   ;  exp returns [double value]   :  addexp {$value = $addexp.value;}   ;  addexp returns [double value]   :  a=mulexp       {$value = $a.value;}      ( '+' b=mulexp {$value += $b.value;}      | '-' b=mulexp {$value -= $b.value;}      )*   ;  mulexp returns [double value]   :  a=unaryexp       {$value = $a.value;}      ( '*' b=unaryexp {$value *= $b.value;}      | '/' b=unaryexp {$value /= $b.value;}      )*   ;  unaryexp returns [double value]   :  '-' atom {$value = -1.0 * $atom.value;}   |  atom     {$value = $atom.value;}   ;  atom returns [double value]   :  number      {$value = double.parse($number.text, cultureinfo.invariantculture);}   |  '(' exp ')' {$value = $exp.value;}   ;  number   :  ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?   ;  space    :  (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n'){$channel = hidden;}   ; 

the grammar won't parse simple statement 4/5 or (4/5) tried using antlrworks.

does have idea why happening? mind should work correctly.

it keeps giving me noviablealtexception.

i see several problems related use of csharp3 target.

  • the csharp2 , csharp3 targets define constant hidden instead of hidden
  • antlrworks cannot used generate parsers grammars targeting csharp2 or csharp3 targets. parser must generated either msbuild (preferred) or using antlr3.exe. these documented on antlr 3 c# releases wiki page.
  • antlrworks cannot used test parsers generated csharp2 or csharp3 targets. results reported interpreter or debugger cannot trusted.


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