twitter bootstrap - Datepicker calendar doesn't display in modal -

i new coding , having trouble getting bootstrap-datepicker ( open correctly. while modal works, datepicker not - i'd appreciate if point me in right direction.

i'm not sure whether problem caused by:
a) javascript in wrong place? have couple of <script> under <head> , datepicker script right before </body> tag.
b) missing file in assets/javascripts? i've added bootstrap.js , bootstrap-datepicker.js here already.
c) else?

here's html in application.html.erb:

<head>     <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all" %>     <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>     <script src=""></script>     <script src="assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js"></script>     <%= csrf_meta_tags %>     <%= render 'layouts/shim' %> </head>  <body>      <div id="container">         <a id="link" href="#mymodal" class="btn btn-large btn-primary" data-toggle="modal">get started now</a>         <div class="modal hide fade" id="mymodal" aria-hidden="true">             <div class="well">                 <input type="text" data-behaviour='datepicker' >             </div>         </div>     </div>      <script type="text/javascript">         $(document).ready(function() {             $('[data-behaviour~=datepicker]').datepicker({                 "format": "yyyy-mm-dd",                 "weekstart": 1,                 "autoclose": true             })         });     </script> 

thanks help!

solved own problem. issue was loading javascript files many times:
a) installing gems , using //= require in application.js file
b) placing files in assets/javascripts folder (these files loaded second time through //= require_tree . in application.js file)
c) linking files through <script> tags in html

fixed issue doing a) only. hope helps else!


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