vba - What is the entry point of an .xlam excel addin -

i doing work on excel addin abc.xlam. addin enabled in excel addins. want launch .exe file whenever open worksheet (new or existing) in excel. want code .exe launch part in .xlam addin @ event when workbook opened. please tell me how can ?

you need access newworkbook event of excel appliation, need set reference application object when addin loads.

put following example code in thisworkbook module:

option explicit    '***** use option explicit!  private withevents oxl application   private sub oxl_newworkbook(byval wb workbook)     '***** trapping newworkbook event     call msgbox("it's me again. (" & oxl.workbooks.count & ")", vbinformation, "hi. again.")      '***** code here! end sub   private sub workbook_beforeclose(cancel boolean)     '***** remove reference oxl object     set oxl = nothing end sub   private sub workbook_open()     '***** set reference current excel application     set oxl = thisworkbook.application      '***** testing oxl object     call msgbox("hello, there! (" & oxl.workbooks.count & ")", vbinformation, "hi") end sub 


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