zend framework2 - How to access database for custom files -

apart controller, forms, models , views, want create file contains classes common functionality. eg common.php

so need make other connection file custom file of mine or there other way use zend database files (config/local.php , config/global.php)

and under folder should create file.

wrong concept. create yournamespace\stdlib-library classes contain common functionality. classes later injected dependencies need. example:

getserviceconfig() {     return array( 'factories' => array(         'stdlib-dbstuff' => function ($sm) {             $dbstuff = new \yournamespace\stdlib\dbstuff();             $dbstuff->setadapter($sm->get('zend\db\adapter\adapter'));             return $dbstuff;         }     )); } 

see classes below namespace zend\stdlib examples ;)

to use stdlib call classes need servicemanager. alternatively skip servicemanager , inject dependencies on controller-level (which sucks, that's not controllers responsibility).

$dbstuff = $this->getservicelocator()->get('stdlib-dbstuff'); // alternatively $adapter = $this->getservicelocator()->get('zend\db\adapter\adapter'); $dbstuff = new \yournamespace\stdlib\dbstuff(); $dbstuff->setadapter($adapter); 


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