c# - Make a pdf conforming PDF/A with only images using iTextSharp -

i'm using itextsharp generate pdf-a documents images. far i've not been successful.
edit: i'm using itextsharp generate pdf

all try make pdf-a document (1a or 1b, whatever suits), images. code i've come far, keep getting errors when try validate them pdf-tools or validatepdfa.

this errors pdf-tools (using pdf/a-1b validation): edit: markinfo , color space arn't yet working. rest okay

validating file "0.pdf" conformance level pdfa-1a key markinfo required missing. device-specific color space (devicergb) without appropriate output intent used. document not conform requested standard. document contains device-specific color spaces. document doesn't provide appropriate logical structure information. done. 

main flow

var output = new memorystream(); using (var iccprofilestream = new filestream("topdfconverter/colorprofiles/srgb_v4_icc_preference_displayclass.icc", filemode.open)) {     var document = new document(new rectangle(pagesize.a4.width, pagesize.a4.height), 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);     var pdfwriter = pdfwriter.getinstance(document, output);     pdfwriter.pdfxconformance = pdfwriter.pdfa1a;     document.open();      var pdfdictionary = new pdfdictionary(pdfname.outputintent);     pdfdictionary.put(pdfname.outputcondition, new pdfstring("srgb iec61966-2.1"));     pdfdictionary.put(pdfname.info, new pdfstring("srgb iec61966-2.1"));     pdfdictionary.put(pdfname.s, pdfname.gts_pdfa1);      var iccprofile = icc_profile.getinstance(iccprofilestream);     var pdficcbased = new pdficcbased(iccprofile);     pdficcbased.remove(pdfname.alternate);     pdfdictionary.put(pdfname.destoutputprofile, pdfwriter.addtobody(pdficcbased).indirectreference);      pdfwriter.extracatalog.put(pdfname.outputintent, new pdfarray(pdfdictionary));      var image = prepareimage(imagebytes);      document.open();     document.add(image);      pdfwriter.createxmpmetadata();      pdfwriter.closestream = false;     document.close(); } return output.getbuffer(); 

this prepareimage()
it's used flatten image bmp, don't need bother alpha channels.

private image prepareimage(stream stream) {     bitmap bmp = new bitmap(system.drawing.image.fromstream(stream));     var file = new memorystream();     bmp.save(file, imageformat.bmp);     var image = image.getinstance(file.getbuffer());      if (image.height > pagesize.a4.height || image.width > pagesize.a4.width)     {         image.scaletofit(pagesize.a4.width, pagesize.a4.height);     }     return image; } 

can me direction fix errors? device-specific color spaces

edit: more explanation: i'm trying achieve is, converting scanned images pdf/a long-term data storage

edit: added files i'm using test with
pdfs , pictures.rar (3.9 mb)

ok, checked 1 of files in callas pdftoolbox , says: "device color space used no pdf/a output intent". took sign wrong while writing output intent document. converted document pdf/a-1b same tool , difference obvious.

perhaps there other errors need fix, first error here put key in catalog dict pdf file named "outputintent". that's wrong: page 75 of pdf specification states key should named "outputintents".

like said, perhaps there other problems file beyond this, wrong name key causes pdf/a validators not find output intent try put in file...


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