android - Proguard and HashMap<String, MyObject> -

i'm developing apis android library project , i'd export them obfuscated jar.

i have various classes public entities are:

  • myinterface: interface listing methods user have implement;

  • myutilities: class static methods;

  • mysingleton: singleton (implemented enum single instance);

  • myobject: class implementing particular object need handle;

i new obfuscation followed tutorials , read android/proguard docs.

i created jar project , used in external application. obfuscated non-public classes (so every class apart above-mentioned) , still continue working.

now problem:

one of methods specifed in myinterface is

public void getobject(hashmap<string, myobject>); 

before obfuscation user add implements myinterface activity/class , (auto) generate implementation of the interface methods, in particular:

@override public void getobject(hashmap<string, myobject> hashmap){   // user implementation } 

after having obfuscated jar, when add implements myinterface user activity , auto-generate methods implementations, get:

@override public void getobject(hashmap hashmap){   // user implementation } 

so without hashmap types. don't know why happens.. expected see hashmap types because both string , myobject kept.

it still works without hashmap types, have cast hasmap<string, myobject>

this proguard conf file (generated proguard gui tool):

-injars inapis.jar -outjars 'obfapis.jar'  -libraryjars /my/android/sdk/path/platforms/android-15/android.jar -libraryjars /my/android/sdk/path/tools/support/annotations.jar -libraryjars /my/android/sdk/path/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-15/libs/effects.jar -libraryjars /my/android/sdk/path/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-15/libs/maps.jar -libraryjars /my/android/sdk/path/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-15/libs/usb.jar  -overloadaggressively   -keep class my.package.myobject {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; }  -keep public class my.package.myutilities {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; }  -keep interface  my.package.myinteface {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; }  -keep public class my.package.mysingleton {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; }  -keep,allowshrinking public class my.package.myinterface {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; }  -keep,allowshrinking public class my.package.myobject  -keep,allowshrinking public class my.package.myutils  -keep,allowshrinking public enum  my.package.mysingleton {     public <fields>;     public <methods>; } 

according proguard docs, may want add following option:

-keepattributes signature 

quoting docs:

the "signature" attribute required able access generic types when compiling in jdk 5.0 , higher.


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