ios - Flex AS3 Iphone - How to Open Native Maps Application? -

i have bunch of buttons opens default map application , puts in users system clipboard. works fine on android tablets, iphone nothing when button clicked. here code:

  case "mapyummyyummy":         system.setclipboard( "1665 stelton rd  piscataway nj 08901" )         _callurl = "geo: 40.4978922, -74.4488224";         var targeturl:urlrequest = new urlrequest(_callurl);         navigatetourl(targeturl);         break;   

does know equivalent work on iphone devices? thanks!

have tried setdata method? (i have no experience one, looks viable alternative).

ios launch maps via url reference:

querying location:

setting start , end directions:,+ca&saddr=cupertino

hope works ya (looked not tested).


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