jquery - change fancybox design - add another div without window shaking -

i have jw player on fancybox window. works well, have 1 design problem:

when player window shown (when fires), moves "bottom up", down window. because added div under player. how can fix this? here demo example: http://teodore.ge/test/demo/

i have made that:

<script>        $(".fancybox").fancybox({         fittoview: false, // show videos in own size         content: '<div></div>', // create temp content         scrolling: 'no', // don't show scrolling bars in fancybox         afterload: function () {            // dimensions data attributes           var $width = $(this.element).data('width');            var $height = $(this.element).data('height');             var link=$(this.element).context.attributes.yutubelink.nodevalue;            this.content = ' <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"  src="player.swf" width="640" height="383"    style="undefined"  allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="opaque" flashvars="file='+link+'&amp;skin=nacht.zip&amp;autostart=true">';          },         aftershow: function(){           var toolbar = "<div id='tools'>" + $("#appendcontent div").eq(this.index).html() + "</div>";            $(".fancybox-outer").append(toolbar);           }       });     </script>   <div id="appendcontent" style="display: none;  width: auto; height: auto;">     <div > 1111   div  problem <br><br><br>  1111111 <br> <br> </div>     <div> 2222:  div  problem  <br><br><br> 2222222 <br> <br> </div> </div>        <a class="fancybox"  yutubelink="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3iynhx8p0s" >      <img src=" 1.jpg"  width="360" height="240"></a><br>      <a class="fancybox"  yutubelink="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usglnbsnrgo">      <img src=" 2.jpg" width="360" height="240"></a> <br> 

i move function adding new div beside player. move function aftershow() afterload() function. adding div after loading caused problem (it changes location of div). because player must @ center of screen , when adding new div, position changing.


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