c# - What's the best practice in organizing test methods that cover steps of a behavior? -

i have fileextractor class start method steps.

i've created test class called "whenextractinginvalidfile.cs" within folder called "fileextractortests" , added test methods inside below should verified steps of start() method:

[testmethod] public void should_remove_original_file() {  }  [testmethod] public void should_add_original_file_to_errorstorage() {  }  [testmethod] public void should_log_error_locally() {  } 

this way, it'd nicely organize behaviors , expectations should met.

the problem of logic of these test methods same should creating 1 test method verifies steps or separately above?

[testmethod] public void should_remove_original_file_then_add_original_file_to_errorstorage_then_log_error_locally() {       } 

what's best practice?

while it's commonly accepted act section of tests should contain 1 call, there's still lot of debate on "one assert per test" practice.

i tend adhere because :

  • when test fails, know (from test name) of multiple things want verify on method under test went wrong.

  • tests imply mocking harder read regular tests, can arcane when you're asserting against multiple mocks in same test.

if don't follow it, i'd @ least recommend include meaningful assert messages in order minimize head scratching when test fails.


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