How to run an exported selenium test case using TestNG in Eclipse -

i recorded test case using selenium ide 1.10.0. exported case java/testng/remote control.

my eclipse version 4.2.0 , installed testng plug-in version 6.8

i wondering how can create project within eclipse run exported test case?

please give me instructions or share me online tutorial / documentations. thanks!

below java code generated eclipse:

package com.example.tests;  import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import org.testng.annotations.*; import static org.testng.assert.*; import java.util.regex.pattern;  public class searchdonor extends selenesetestnghelper {     @test public void testsearchdonor() throws exception {         // set overall speed of test case         selenium.setspeed("4000");"/?html=openid");"css=input[type=\"submit\"]");         selenium.waitforpagetoload("30000");         thread.sleep(4000);"id=cmp_admin");         selenium.waitforpagetoload("30000");"id=quicksearch_anchor");"css=img[alt=\"member\"]");         selenium.waitforpagetoload("30000");         selenium.type("id=search_name", "suzy");"css=input[type=\"image\"]");"link=balagia, suzy");         selenium.waitforpagetoload("30000");     } } 

after trial , errors. managed execute exported code in eclipse testng test. here steps took make compile.

1.created java project within eclipse

2.add class java project

2a. copied , pasted code newly created class 

3.right click on project>build path>configure build path

3a. on java build path window select libraries>add external jars, adding jar files selenium java driver folder (e.g. folder name in case libs), plus selenium-java-2.31.0.jar , selenium-java-2.31-src.jar run icon next debug icon on top menu bar, run testng test

my code compiling, got exception errors. getting stared on testng test case!


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