scala - Get command line arguments when running an Akka Microkernel? -

i have akka microkernel below:

class servicekernel extends bootable {    val system = actorsystem("service-kernel")    def startup = {     system.actorof(props(new boot(false))) ! start   }    def shutdown = {     system.shutdown()   } } 

because kernel extends bootable , not app, how access command line arguments used when starting kernel? instance if run kernel using start namespace.servicekernel -d rundevmode or similar. thanks!

additional info

i thought worth adding information start script in microkernel. in /bin/start notice following:

#!/bin/sh  akka_home="$(cd "$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -p)"/..; pwd)" akka_classpath="$akka_home/config:$akka_home/lib/*" java_opts="-xms256m -xmx512m -xx:+useconcmarksweepgc -xx:+cmsclassunloadingenabled -xx:parallelgcthreads=2"  java $java_opts -cp "$akka_classpath" -dakka.home="$akka_home" akka.kernel.main "$@" 

although om-nom-nom suggested -d options, looks it's in use , main start parameter being passed akka.kernel.main class (which in case servicekernel class above).

here minimal example:

object foo extends app {     val debugmodeon = system.getproperty("debugmode") != null     val msg = if (debugmodeon) "in debug mode" else "not in debug mode"     println(msg) }  » scala foo -ddebugmode in debug mode » scala foo             not in debug mode 

you can check overcome issue:

» scala foo -ddebugmode=false in debug mode 

p.s. might want use properties helper, contains bunch of methods propornone, proporelse, etc


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