visual studio 2010 - How to get absolute paths in cmake generated project files -

i using cmake generate project files c++ project needs compiled under visual studio 6 , 2010. files generated ok both projects , can build projects without problems.

however, 2010 vxproj files contain relative paths cpp files , when use jenkins build files log contains relative paths jenkins can not use find source files.

i see this:

..\..\source\modulea\file1.cpp(74): warning c4800: 'bool' : forcing value bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

while should have been either source/modulea/file.cpp or d:\jenkins\jobs\workspace\source\modulea\file.cpp jenkins able find file.

of course, can make parser parse log file , remove ..\...\ hoping find more elegant solution.

in end found compiler option can fix this. can add /fc flag visual studio 2010. not sure if works vc6. add use this:

set(cmake_cxx_flags "${cmake_cxx_flags} /fc") 


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