keymapping - Vim - How do I use a key mapping command like <C-L>? -

i'm else has had question, , may repeat, i'm not sure call command <c-l> , haven't had luck finding existing question. if duplicate, please redirect me.

the question arises vimrc section reads this:

" map <c-l> (redraw screen) turn off search highlighting until " next search nnoremap <c-l> :nohl<cr><c-l> 

so combination of keys press (in mode) input <c-l> mapping?

in line:

nnoremap <c-l> :nohl<cr><c-l> 

nnoremap means normal no-recursive map <c-l>... means, if press ctrl + l in normal mode, mapped key-strokes applied.

<c-l> means ctrl + l

if type

:h control 

you can see keycodes:

<c-...>     control-key         *control* *ctrl* *<c-* 


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