mysql if exists giving error wrong syntax? -

i trying use if exists in mysql keep getting syntax errors , have researched correct syntax isnt working...

what need is: if query exists update else insert new...

$querystring =  "if exists (select * $oncall_table uid='$contextuser' , submitid='$submitid' , submitstatus=3) update $oncall_table set uid='$contextuser', start_time='$onstr', end_time='$offstr', amount='$amount' else insert $oncall_table (uid, start_time, end_time, amount) values ('$contextuser','$onstr', '$offstr', '$amount') end if"; 

error message: can't perform query: have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'if exists (select * timesheet_oncall uid='admin' , submitid='136545' @ line 1

replace into need.

replace works insert, except if old row in table has same value new row primary key or unique index, old row deleted before new row inserted.

in case

replace  $oncall_table (uid, start_time, end_time, amount)  values ('$contextuser','$onstr', '$offstr', '$amount') uid='$contextuser'; 

assuming uid primary key or unique key

note: since code in question contains sql injection flaws recommend read article.


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