c++ - Access denied when repeatedly create and remove the same directory -

i had little test, , how did it:
repeatedly create , remove 1 directory, d:\test, example. did 1000 times, , error acccessing denied time.

my code wrote this:

tchar szerror[max_path] = {0}; tchar lpszpath[max_path] = _t("d:\\test"); for(int = 0; != 1000; i++) {     if (!createdirectory(lpszpath, null))     {         formatmessage(format_message_from_system, null, getlasterror(), null, szerror, max_path, null);         messagebox(null, szerror, _t("create directory error"), mb_ok);         cout << << endl;         return 0;     }     setfileattributes(lpszpath, file_attribute_normal);     if (!removedirectory(lpszpath))     {         formatmessage(format_message_from_system, null, getlasterror(), null, szerror, max_path, null);         messagebox(null, szerror, _t("remove directory error"), mb_ok);         cout << << endl;         return 0;     }    } 

can please tell me why error happened , how can avoid error?

if speed issue, consider using sleep function between each create/delete.


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