wordpress - Listing search results with tax_query and meta_query -

i can't understand why filter wrote doesn't working when use next or previous page!! example make choice minprice= 200 click on search , filter find post price > 200 when try see rest of post page show me same page. code!!

foreach($_post $key => $value){     if($value != ''){         $item['taxonomy'] = htmlspecialchars($key);         $item['terms'] = htmlspecialchars($value);         $item['field'] = 'slug';         $list[] = $item;         if ($key == "minprice") {                 $minprice = $key;                 if($value > 0) {                     $valminprice = $value;                 }         }         if ($key == "maxprice") {                 $maxprice = $key;                 if($value > 0) {                     $valmaxprice = $value;                 }         }         if ($key == "minmq") {                 $minmq = $key;                 if($value > 0) {                     $valminmq = $value;                 }             }         if ($key == "maxmq") {                 $maxmq = $key;                 if($value > 0) {                     $valmaxmq = $value;                 }             }         if($key == "location"){                 $lockey = $key;                 $valloc = $value;             }         if ($key == "type") {             $typekey = $key;             $valtype = $value;         }         if ($key == "property") {             $propkey = $key;             $valprop = $value;         }         if ($key == "range") {             $rangekey = $key;             $valrange = $value;         }      }        }    $args = array (             'post_type' => 'listings',             'posts_per_page' => 2,             'meta_query' => array(                                 array(                                 'key' => 'wtf_price',                                 'value' => array($valminprice, $valmaxprice),                                 'type' => 'numeric',                                 'compare' => 'between'                                 ),                                 array(                                 'key' => 'wtf_mq',                                 'value' => array($valminmq,$valmaxmq),                                 'type' => 'numeric',                                 'compare' => 'between'                                 )                             ),              'tax_query' => array(                                 array(                                     'taxonomy' => 'location',                                     'field' => 'slug',                                     'terms' => $valloc,                                       ),                                 array(                                     'taxonomy' => 'type',                                     'field' => 'slug',                                     'terms' => $valtype,                                       ),                                 array(                                     'taxonomy' => 'property',                                     'field' => 'slug',                                     'terms' => $valprop,                                 ),                                 array(                                     'taxonomy' => 'range',                                     'field' => 'slug',                                     'terms' => $valrange,                                 )                             )             );      $the_query = new wp_query($args);       <?php while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();?>     <div class="post propbox <?php if (++$counter % 2 == 0) { echo "lastbox";}?> clearfix" id="post-<?php the_id(); ?>"> <div class="archimg">  content....  </div>      <?php endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>        <div class="row page-navigation">       <?php next_posts_link('&laquo; next page', $the_query->max_num_pages) ?>       <?php previous_posts_link('previous &raquo;') ?>  </div>    </div><!--end content-->` 

someone can me please? p.s. sorry terrible english!!

i believe need add paged parameter query.

$paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $args = array (             'post_type' => 'listings',             'posts_per_page' => 2,             'paged' => $paged,              // etc.              ); 

this codex article has more samples should going.


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