c - Taglib for Android -

i trying compile taglib android. have downloaded latest version taglib here . after compiling arm-linux build have imported in application, when try call function tag_c.h getting following error:

sharedlibrary  : taglibwav.so /home/test/workspacenew/androidtaglibexample/obj/local/armeabi/ objs/squared/taglibwav.o: in function  `java_com_android_androidtag_wavfiledetails_taglibwav': /home/test/workspacenew/androidtaglibexample/jni/taglibwav.c:30:  undefined reference `taglib_set_strings_unicode' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [/home/test/workspacenew/androidtaglibexample/obj/ local/armeabi/taglibwav.so] error 1 

application configuration information is:

taglib ./configure :-

./configure cc="/home/hcl/taglib/taglib/toolchain/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"\ --host="arm-linux" \ --build="arm" \ --enable-static="no" \ --enable-shared="yes" \ --prefix="/home/test/workspacenew/androidtaglibexample/jni/testtaglib/"\ 

android.mk :-

local_path := $(call my-dir)  #declare prebuilt library include $(clear_vars) local_module := taglibtest local_src_files := testtaglib/lib/libtag.a local_export_c_includes := testtaglib/include/taglib/ local_prelink_module := true include $(prebuilt_static_library)  include $(clear_vars)  include $(call all-subdir-makefiles) local_module := taglibwav local_src_files := taglibwav.c local_c_includes := $(local_path)/testtaglib/include/taglib/ local_shared_library := taglibtest local_ldlibs    := -llog -ljnigraphics -lz -lm -l$(sysroot)/usr/lib -llog  include $(build_shared_library) 

application.mk :-

app_abi :=armeabi app_stl:=stlport_static 

taglibwav.c :-

#include <jni.h> #include <tag_c.h> #include <android/log.h> #ifndef false #define false 0 #endif ....... ....... jniexport void jnicall java_com_android_androidtag_wavfiledetails_taglibwav   (jnienv * ev, jclass jc){       int i;       int seconds;       int minutes;       taglib_file *file;  //<< accessed form tag_c.h : ok       taglib_tag *tag;    //<< accessed form tag_c.h : ok       const taglib_audioproperties *properties; //<<accessed form tag_c.h : ok       taglib_set_strings_unicode(false);//<<accessed form tag_c.h : getting error } .... .... 

android ndk version :- android-ndk-r7c

please, guide me in right direction fix i'm doing wrong

i think might need -ltag_c in there somewhere


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