How to convert HTML using replace or remove commoand in C# or Java -

    html 1  m getting in string ->      s=                    "<html>  <head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'              href='' />                   </head>  <body ><html>                 <body style='background-color:black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>         <div id=\"digest\">\r\n                       <p class=\"threedigest\">st : extended period of limitation                  cannot invoked not paying tax if there divergence          of opinion during relevant                  period ,                  judgments in favour of assessee,                  there no suppression/wilful mis-statement          assessee</p>\r\n                     </div></body></html></body></html>" 

note : getting html correct

but    string html 2 ->              "<html>                       <head> <link rel='stylesheet                     ' type='text/css' href='' />                       </head>  <body ><html><body style='background-color:black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>                     <html>\r\n<head>                     <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />                     \r\n<title>rs.560-crore tax evasion detected</title>\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">             \r\nbody                     {font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px;                  line-height:18px;text-align:justify;}                     \r\n.w100{width:100%;}\r\n.fl-l{float:left;}\r\n.ffla{font-family:arial,                  helvetica, sans-serif;}                     \r\n.fs18{font-size:18px;}\r\n.mart10{margin-top:10px;}\r\n.fcred{color:#c81616;}                 \r\{text-align:center;}\r\n.tu{text-transform:uppercase;}\r\n.lh18{line-height:18px;}\r\n</style>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n                 <div class=\"w100 fl-l\">\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l ffla fs18 mart10 fcred ttunderline tc tu\">                     rs.560-crore tax  vasion detected</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l lh18 mart10\">                 central excise intelligence,  chennai zone, has detected 164 cases involving excise                  , service tax evasion of rs.560 crore in 2012- 13.      total of 166 show cause notices                  have been issued involving rs.500 crore      various central excise , service                  tax cases during year.  –</div>\r\n\r\n             </div>\r\n</body>\r\n                     </html>\r\n</body>     </html></body>     </html>" 

i want convert html 2 format same html1 format tried unable . have tried remove html content not worked, don't know how convert html2 same html1 have tried remove using java not able please me ! using replace or remove command in programming language.

try working removing 2 unwanted html tags in line 1 in code i.e response server have 2 html tags because of not getting proper response. try remove unwanted tags , align html code

public class testscriptclass { public static void main(string[] args) {      string inputvalue=" ";       inputvalue =inputvalue+"<html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />"+                      "</head>  <body ><html><body style='background-color:black;font-size:30px;color:#fff;'>"+                      "<html>\r\n<head> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />"+                      "\r\n<title>rs.560-crore tax evasion detected</title>\r\n<style type=\"text/css\">"+                      "  \r\nbody{font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; "+                      " line-height:18px;text-align:justify;} \r\n.w100{width:100%;}\r\n.fl-l{float:left;}\r\n.ffla{font-family:arial, "+                      "helvetica, sans-serif;} \r\n.fs18{font-size:18px;}\r\n.mart10{margin-top:10px;}\r\n.fcred{color:#c81616;}"+                      " \r\{text-align:center;}\r\n.tu{text-transform:uppercase;}\r\n.lh18{line-height:18px;}\r\n</style>\r\n</head>\r\n<body>\r\n"+                      "  <div class=\"w100 fl-l\">\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l ffla fs18 mart10 fcred ttunderline tc tu\">"+                      "   rs.560-crore tax "+                      "vasion detected</div>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"w100 fl-l lh18 mart10\">"+                      " central excise intelligence, "+                      "chennai zone, has detected 164 cases involving excise"+                      "  , service tax evasion of rs.560 crore in 2012- 13."+                      "  total of 166 show cause notices"+                      "   have been issued involving rs.500 crore "+                      "  various central excise , service "+                      "  tax cases during year."+                      "–</div>\r\n\r\n"+                      " </div>\r\n</body>\r\n"+                      "   </html>\r\n</body>"+                      "  </html></body>"+                      "   </html>";        string resultvalue= inputvalue.replace("<html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' /></head>  <body ><html>", " <html><head> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />");        system.out.println(resultvalue);        } } 


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