marshalling - Grails JSON marshaller for FieldErrors -

i'm trying create custom marshaller org.springframework.validation.fielderror can avoid putting extraneous , possibly sensitive data in json response, includes mycommandobject.errors.

however fielderror marshaller isn't working @ all, have in bootstrap.groovy under init method.

    def fielderrormarshaller = {"field error marshaller $it")         def returnarray = [:]          returnarray['field'] = it.field         returnarray['message'] = it.message          return returnarray     }      json.registerobjectmarshaller(fielderror, fielderrormarshaller) 

i not seeing explicit errors or marshaller logging. idea might going wrong here?

grails register instance of validationerrorsmarshaller handle errors, fielderror marshaller never called.

//convertanother not called each error. that's reason of custom marshalled not been called. (object o : errors.getallerrors()) {     if (o instanceof fielderror) {         fielderror fe = (fielderror) o;         writer.object();"object", fe.getobjectname());"field", fe.getfield());"rejected-value", fe.getrejectedvalue());         locale locale = localecontextholder.getlocale();         if (applicationcontext != null) {   "message", applicationcontext.getmessage(fe, locale));         }         else {         ... 

looking @ convertersgrailsplugin (descriptor of plugin) registered spring bean, can create bean , register same name, overriding marshalobject() fit needs (not tested, may need more code).

class myerrorsmarshaller implements objectmarshaller<json>, applicationcontextaware {     applicationcontext applicationcontext;      public boolean supports(object object) {         return object instanceof errors;     }      public void marshalobject(object object, json json) throws converterexception {     ...     }  } 


jsonerrorsmarshaller(myerrorsmarshaller)  errorsjsonmarshallerregisterer(objectmarshallerregisterer) {     marshaller = { myerrorsmarshaller om -> }     converterclass = grails.converters.json } 

reference validationerrorsmarshaller.

reference convertersgrailsplugin.


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