coursera, "Functional Programming Principles in Scala", Setting up IntelliJ on OSX -

the "functional programming principles in scala" coursera prepared eclipse.

here there tutorial using intellij instead of eclipse course:

however, fails with:

sbt gen-idea [error] not valid command: gen-idea [error] expected '/' [error] expected ':' [error] not valid key: gen-idea [error] gen-idea [error]         ^ 

what can problem?

based on error looks don't have sbt intellij plugin installed. need add depencency sbt config :

addsbtplugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.3.0")

you can add line your_project/project/plugins.sbt - work have each project (note might have create plugins.sbt).

a more convenient way : add dependency in ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt - way, plugin available each time start sbt, regardless of project specific config.


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