ios - UITableViewCell with a custom selectedBackgroundView that is wider than the master view controller on a UISplitViewController -

i have ipad app uisplitviewcontroller displayed on landscape. master controller uitableviewcontroller.

i want have selectedbackgroundview cells on uitableviewcontroller overflowing detail viewcontroller. this:


how can accomplish that?
if try set red arrow image (that 342px wide), gets resized 320px.
tried subclassing uiimageview , overriding setframe ignore calls try resize image, still no luck.

any ideas?

(updated on 2013-10-01 make work on ios7)

kudos user erway software helping me out.

here how got code work:

on uitableviewcontroller:

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     // ...     uitableviewcell *cell = [[uitableviewcell alloc] initwithstyle:uitableviewcellstyledefault reuseidentifier:@"someid"];     uiimage *image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"image_name"];     selectionimageview *imageview = [[selectionimageview alloc] initwithimage:image];     [cell setselectedbackgroundview:imageview];      [tableview setclipstobounds:no];     [[[cell contentview] superview] setclipstobounds:no];     // ... } 

and here code selectionimageview:

@interface selectionimageview : uiimageview  @end   @implementation selectionimageview  - (void)setframe:(cgrect)frame {     // 342 width of image_name     if (frame.size.width == 342.f) {         [super setframe:frame];     } }  @end 


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