java - Updating deprecated WAS-MQ code -

i working on migration of 6.1 based application 7.0 found below 2 statements = null; // 1 


mqqueueconnectionfactory factory = new mqqueueconnectionfactory(); factory.settransporttype(jmsc.mqjms_tp_client_mq_tcpip); // 2 
  1. on line# 1 securityexit deprecated doc says:

    the security exit used when connecting queue manager. allows customise security flows occur when attempt made connect queue manager. if want provide own security exit, define class implements mqsecurityexit interface , assign securityexit instance of class. if set field null no security exit called.

    what understand interface needs implemented. assign securityexit instance of class mean ?

  2. on line# 2 jmsc deprecated. doc says:

    this parameter can passed mqconnectionfactory.settransporttype(int) indicate application should connect queue manager in client tcp/ip mode.

    also interface doc says:

    use constants defined in classes in package instead

    the doc of not help.

any in replacing deprecated statements appreciated.

it means need create instance of implementation of mqsecurityexit class , set security exit property. this

   // in    class mysecurityexit implements mqsecurityexit     {        // must provide implementation of securityexit method        public byte[] securityexit(mqchannelexit       channelexitparms,                                   mqchanneldefinition channeldefinition,                                   byte[]              agentbuffer)        {            // exit code goes here...        }    }     // in main program...    mqenvironment.securityexit = new mysecurityexit();    ...    // other initialisation    mqqueuemanager qmgr        = new mqqueuemanager(""); 

the settransporttype method determines how application connects wmq queue manager, whether application , queue manager communicate on shared memory or socket or http etc. possible values method defined here


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