Java XML Transform - Strange Issue -

i having strange issue cannot seem figure out. until now, transform methods seemed have worked flawlessly, tool building causing me major headaches.

here methods:

this 1 works without error , produces proper xml

    public static void transform(string filename, string filepath, string stylesheetpath, string outputto, boolean prettyprint, boolean excludedeclaration) throws transformerexception, ioexception {         if (!new file(outputto).exists()) new file(outputto).mkdir();          transformerfactory factory = transformerfactory.newinstance();         source xsl = new streamsource(new file(stylesheetpath));         templates template = factory.newtemplates(xsl);         transformer transformer = template.newtransformer();         if (!prettyprint) {             transformer.setoutputproperty(outputkeys.indent, "no");         } else {             transformer.setoutputproperty(outputkeys.indent, "yes");             transformer.setoutputproperty("{}indent-amount", "4");         }         if (excludedeclaration) transformer.setoutputproperty(outputkeys.omit_xml_declaration, "yes");          source xml = new streamsource(new file(filepath + filename));         outputstream outputstream = new fileoutputstream(outputto + filename);         transformer.transform(xml, new streamresult(outputstream));         outputstream.close();     } 

using same xslt, following produces xml (or xml) contains text nodes (no elements, attributes, etc)

    public static document transforminmemory(document xmldoc, string stylesheetpath) throws transformerexception, parserconfigurationexception, saxexception, ioexception {         transformerfactory factory = transformerfactory.newinstance();         source xsl = new streamsource(new file(stylesheetpath));         templates template = factory.newtemplates(xsl);         transformer transformer = template.newtransformer();         transformer.setoutputproperty(outputkeys.indent, "no");         transformer.setoutputproperty("{}indent-amount", "0");          domsource source = new domsource(xmldoc);         bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();         transformer.transform(source, new streamresult(baos));          system.out.println(baos.tostring());          // load documentbuilder         documentbuilderfactory domfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();         documentbuilder builder = domfactory.newdocumentbuilder();         inputsource = new inputsource(new bytearrayinputstream(baos.tobytearray()));         return builder.parse(is);     } 

from searching have been doing, doesn't appear doing incorrectly in second method, sure producing weird results.

sample result (unfortunately, cannot post actual data, replaced text other data)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                              text here                                                                  a.                                                       other text here                                                                  b.                                                       more text here                                                                  c.                                                       , more text here                                                                  d.                                                       more text here                                                      1 

i purposely left result formatted see seeing. above result produced system.out.println(baos.tostring());. if highlight text in console (eclipse), indentions there, elements, etc not showing up.

so, question: can tell me possibly going on? why first 1 work without problems, second cause result above?


after playing around method, figured out workaround seems work. instead of using domsource, converted xmldoc inputstream, seems bit hacky. thoughts why domsource causing problem?

    public static document transforminmemory(document xmldoc, string stylesheetpath) throws transformerexception, parserconfigurationexception, saxexception, ioexception {         transformerfactory factory = transformerfactory.newinstance();         source xsl = new streamsource(new file(stylesheetpath));         templates template = factory.newtemplates(xsl);         transformer transformer = template.newtransformer();         transformer.setoutputproperty(outputkeys.indent, "no");         transformer.setoutputproperty("{}indent-amount", "0");          // convert xmldoc inputstream         bytearrayoutputstream xmloutstream = new bytearrayoutputstream();         source domsource = new domsource(xmldoc);         result result = new streamresult(xmloutstream);         transformerfactory.newinstance().newtransformer().transform(domsource, result);         inputstream in = new bytearrayinputstream(xmloutstream.tobytearray());          //domsource source = new domsource(xmldoc);         bytearrayoutputstream baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();         source source = new streamsource(in);         transformer.transform(source, new streamresult(baos));          system.out.println("baos -> " + baos.tostring());          // load documentbuilder         documentbuilderfactory domfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();         documentbuilder builder = domfactory.newdocumentbuilder();         inputsource = new inputsource(new bytearrayinputstream(baos.tobytearray()));         return builder.parse(is);     } 

documentbuilder default isn't namespace-aware. need setnamespaceaware(true). without namespace awareness, template rules in stylesheet won't match, default template rules kick in, , these output text nodes.

note creating dom merely provide input xslt bad idea; using xslt processor's native tree representation work better.


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