javascript - Why in Jasmine, we cannot put the expect in an outside function? -

if using jasmine 1.3.1, use

describe("trytry", function() {      var i;      function checkforsituation(a) {         // say, if made function because          //   there lot of processing          console.log("there", a);          expect(foo(3, a)).toequal( 3 + );     }      (i = 0; < 5; i++) {         console.log("here", i);           it("should add " + i, function() {              checkforsituation(i);          });      }  }); 

and foo just:

function foo(a, b) {     return + b; } 

i expect check 0 4, , print out

here 0 there 0 here 1 there 1   ... 

but instead, print in chrome's console as: here 0, here 1, ... , there 5 5 times. know why expect cannot put in outside function , in jasmine if need put many steps function?

as side note, in javascript, feel whole new language developed , can won't work -- , wonder can done prevent type of things happening, without knowing happen.

if you'd try out, on

i've never used jasmine, don't know of does, , don't know it does, seems common closure problem in javascript.

this happens when asynchronous (like event handler) tries access iterator (i) in callback. time, loop has finished , i last value. using closure, value of i captured , passed properly. if it asynchronous, won't able order of console.log results wanted - "here" come first, "there".

you try code:

it("should add " + i, (function(i) {     return function () {         checkforsituation(i);     }; })(i); 


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