r - how to find the list of different geoms and aesthetics -

this question has answer here:

i trying find list of aesthetics , geoms in ggplot2 package r , problem help(qplot) not yield results. can not find way invoke aesthetics or geoms.

what correct way invoke aesthetics in r?

the best approach can think of @ help(aes) gives links to

help(aes_colour_fill_alpha) help(aes_group_order) help(aes_linetype_size_shape) help(aes_position) 

which summarize various aes sub groups.

you 1 of these if search particular aestheic (eg help(alpha) or help(group)

for list of geoms, @ index help, under g. perhaps when documentation layer completed (or started) spur similar listing / sub grouping.

you extract relevant exported objects within ggplot2 namespace using

ls(pattern = '^geom_', env = as.environment('package:ggplot2'))   ## [1] "geom_abline"     "geom_area"       "geom_bar"        "geom_bin2d"      "geom_blank"      "geom_boxplot"    "geom_contour"     ## [8] "geom_crossbar"   "geom_density"    "geom_density2d"  "geom_dotplot"    "geom_errorbar"   "geom_errorbarh"  "geom_freqpoly"   ## [15] "geom_hex"        "geom_histogram"  "geom_hline"      "geom_jitter"     "geom_line"       "geom_linerange"  "geom_map"        ## [22] "geom_path"       "geom_point"      "geom_pointrange" "geom_polygon"    "geom_quantile"   "geom_raster"     "geom_rect"       ## [29] "geom_ribbon"     "geom_rug"        "geom_segment"    "geom_smooth"     "geom_step"       "geom_text"       "geom_tile"       ## [36] "geom_violin"     "geom_vline"    

ggplot2 has unexported character vector .all_aesthetics contains possible aesthetics



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