Read More link in Drupal Advanced Poll module not respecting the path alias -

i have advanced poll on home page , reason read more url shows as:

but, in poll have url path setting set this... , works great directly:

does know why poll doesn't use path alias or how can fix it?

thanks much!

figured out...

i had put in template.php file:

function mytheme_advpoll_view_block_poll($nid) {     $node = advpoll_view(node_load($nid), false, false);     $output = '';     if ($node && $node->status && $node->active && $node->start_date < time() && $node->end_date > time()) {         $output .= '<h3>' . $node->title . '</h3>';      unset($node->content['body']);          $output .= drupal_render($node->content);         $output .= l('read more...', drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $nid));      }     return $output; } 


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