ruby on rails - Sidekiq Delayed Mailer not sending emails -

good afternoon,

i'm trying use sidekiq/redis send emails in background. should note following:

  1. i using devise-async , works no issues

  2. my actionmailer settings good
    if change mailer calls usermailer.contact_email(name).deliver! email sends fine. not working usermailer.delay.contact_email(name)

  3. i can see jobs going through in logs, , you'd go far assume mails making through. when sent myself noticed wasn't working:
    apr 08 18:36:58 app01-production sidekiq: 2013-04-09t00:36:58z 31155 tid-1jdwoq sidekiq::extensions::delayedclass jid-6143790ebbf6e8bbc4a7bb85 info: done: 4.923 sec

it calling delayedclass extension on mail object, no-go. given devise-async works, i'm wondering if using wrong syntax or something?`


i hit similar issue too. made tiny change in way delayed extension calls #deliver.

try out: gem 'sidekiq', :git => "".

if works out you, might due msg.from not being set.

the relevant code here.


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