iphone - Array goes empty in DidSelectRowAtIndexPath -

i have in coredatabase entity "day". in method fetch data entity , put in mutuablearray dayobjects. can see code on here.

  nsmanagedobjectcontext *context = [rkmanagedobjectstore defaultstore].persistentstoremanagedobjectcontext;     nsfetchrequest *fetchrequest = [nsfetchrequest fetchrequestwithentityname:@"day"];     nspredicate *predicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat:                               @"p_date >= %@ , p_date <= %@",datestring,datestring2];     [fetchrequest setpredicate:predicate];     nssortdescriptor *descriptor = [nssortdescriptor sortdescriptorwithkey:@"p_id" ascending:yes];     fetchrequest.sortdescriptors = @[descriptor];     nsarray *matches = [context executefetchrequest:fetchrequest error:nil];     nslog(@"matches = %@",[matches valueforkey:@"p_date"]);     arrdateobjects = [matches mutablecopy]; 

in cellforrow this

  day *objday = [arrdateobjects objectatindex:indexpath.row-1];   cell.titlelabel.text = day.p_from; 

in tableview data showed correctly. problem dat when same thing in didselectrowatindexpath. null when log day.p_from.

can me ?

edit numberofsections

 (nsinteger)numberofsectionsintableview:(uitableview *)tableview {     // return number of sections.     int sections = 0;      sections = 1;      return sections; } 

my numberofrowsinsection

- (nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {     int rows = 0;     rows = 8; //showing 7 days + 1 row little title     return rows; } 

my cellforrowatindexpath

static nsstring *simpletableidentifier = @"openingcell";  openingcell *cell = (openingcell *)[tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:simpletableidentifier]; if (cell == nil) {     nsarray *nib = [[nsbundle mainbundle] loadnibnamed:@"openingcell" owner:self options:nil];     cell = [nib objectatindex:0]; }  if(indexpath.row == 0){     cell.lblday.text = nslocalizedstring(@"lbldag", nil);     cell.lblfrom.text = nslocalizedstring(@"lblvan", nil);     cell.lbltill.text = nslocalizedstring(@"lbltot", nil); }else{     day *objday = [arrdateobjects objectatindex:indexpath.row-1];     nslog(@"day object in cell = %@",objday.p_from);     nsdateformatter *dateformat = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformat setdateformat:@"yyyy-mm-dd"];     nsdate *date = [dateformat datefromstring:objday.p_date];     nsdateformatter *dateformat2 = [[nsdateformatter alloc] init];     [dateformat2 setdateformat:@"dd/mm"];     nsstring *datestring = [dateformat2 stringfromdate:date];     nslog(@"date: %@", datestring);      cell.lblshort.text = datestring;     cell.lblday.text = [arrdays objectatindex:indexpath.row-1];     nsstring *txtfrom = [objday.p_from substringwithrange:nsmakerange(0, 5)];     cell.lblfrom.text = txtfrom;     nsstring *txttill = [objday.p_till substringwithrange:nsmakerange(0, 5)];     cell.lbltill.text = txttill; } return cell; 

 nslog(@"matches = %@",[matches valueforkey:@"p_date"]);     arrdateobjects=[[nsmutablearray alloc]init];     [arrdateobjects addobject:[matches objectatindex:indexpath.row-1]]; 

instead of

  nslog(@"matches = %@",[matches valueforkey:@"p_date"]);     arrdateobjects = [matches mutablecopy]; 


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