xamarin.ios - ipad missing overlapped annotations -

while i'm trying draw cross lines on ipad view , erasing overlapped part of previous line. i'm using setneedsdisplayinrect() method refresh drawings. please suggest me overcome issue.

i wrote code is

i'm using below code draw:

context.moveto (penvertices [0].x, penvertices [0].y);  (int = 1; < penvertices.count; i++) {  context.addlinetopoint (penvertices [i].x, penvertices [i].y);  } context.strokepath(); 

and using below code display line

setneedsdisplayinrect(rectanglef.fromltrb(minx - (linewidth/2), miny - (linewidth/2), maxx + (linewidth/2), maxy + (linewidth/2))); 

hi avoid erasing of previous made annotations @ overlapped place, use paths draw annotations instead of simple context.


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